We’ve upgraded our calendar and are confident you’re going to like the new features!

As part of this upgrade, the process for getting events to the web calendar has changed. You will still need to use 25Live to reserve a physical room, but we will no longer pull events for the web from that system. Instead, you will have one of three ways to enter your event:

  1. Through your content contributor
    If your area schedules a lot of events (we’re thinking two or more each month), contact your content contributor*. Content contributors can be trained to enter events directly into the content management system. The event content then goes through the approval process, just like anything else. If they haven’t already done so, have your content contributor reach out through the web content ticketing system for a schedule of workshops. 
  2. Enter your event in the CMS yourself
    If your area schedules a lot of events (we’re thinking two or more each month), you can be trained to enter events directly into the CMS yourself! Just let us know through our web content ticketing system and we’ll provide the training schedule.
  3. Enter your event using our handy dandy form
    You can download instructions with the link to the form from the Strategic Communications intranet.